The Importance of Hands-On Learning in Montessori Preschool - Montessori preschool of Agoura - Montessori school of Agoura

The Importance of Hands-On Learning in Montessori Preschool

At the heart of the philosophy of Montessori preschool of Agoura Hills is hands-on learning, directed by the children. If you enter a Montessori class in the middle of the day, you’ll find children learning at their own pace on floor mats, around tables, and tending to the class pets and plants. Though any number of activities might be going on at any time, each child is engaged in their explorations.

The Montessori method acknowledges that children learn best when their explorations are not limited and fully supported. Traditional preschools often focus on lecturing to children, which doesn’t fully engage young minds. An authentic Montessori school encourages authentic learning with hands-on learning.

The benefits of hands-on learning include its alignment with learning processes and development 

As emphasized in the Montessori method, children grasp new information readily through interactive lessons. A physical understanding will make abstract concepts easier to pick up. 

In Montessori preschool, this means participating in multisensory activities. Children build a concrete connection with their curriculum and get to experiment to test their newfound knowledge. The discoveries they make tend to stay with them longer than if they were spoon-fed the information through a textbook because of the personal ties they made.

Montessori preschools have prepared environments to encourage hands-on learning

In the prepared environment of a Montessori preschool, children engage with number rods, block towers, sandpaper letters and other learning tools. The sandpaper letters are a popular Montessori tool that teaches children the alphabet by touching textured cutouts as they sound out letters. Combining touch with sight and sound helps children retain information more quickly. Number rods are another popular tool that help children visualize groups of numbers to conceptualize the idea of fives, tens and more.

Children learn practical life skills with hands-on activities

Inside the Montessori classroom, children learn practical life skills the same way they learn language, math and science. Children learn how to care for themselves to build independence in their personal lives by washing their hands, preparing the table for meals, piecing together easy and hearty snacks, and cleaning up after themselves. These may seem like small tasks to master, but they also help children develop gross and fine motor skills while learning how to care for their personal environment.

Hands-on learning at Montessori preschool in Agoura Hills

Montessori School of Agoura was founded in 1979 to inspire lifelong learning in children ages 2 through 6 years old. Our child-led curriculum develops independence and confidence in children from their first class. Contact us to learn more about our Montessori preschool program in Agoura Hills.